Ellen id:13574

4.2/5 (10 ratings)
About Ellen Escort

Ellen is one sultry babe whom you would get extremely fond of. She has silky hair, natural curves, pretty face and fine pair of bosom. Her beauty will grow on you when you date her. She makes comfortable any person during her encounter. She gets friendly quite easily with men and has reputation of forming a strong friendship bond with her client.
Overall, she is your best friend cum lover. She is in habit of giving you a special treat once the door is shut. She loves it when you undress her completely; play with her body in...

Personal Data
  • Nationality: Russian
  • Body: 89/58/89
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Eyes: Green
  • Orientation: Heterosexual
  • Music: Romantic
  • Hobbies: Learning
  • Languages: English
  • Timezone: (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : London
Ellen escort rates and contacts

Meet with Men no younger than 18 I am happy to come to a hotel or apartment or I invite you to visit me in my private apartament.

To contact the girl, choose one of the methods allowed by her
Direct message to Ellen

You can send message to girl if you do not want to call or she does not answer the call. You will be notified about the reply to your message.

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New profiles in Spain

57kg / 125lb
172cm / 5'6”
250 EUR
51kg / 112lb
177cm / 5'8”
200 EUR
54kg / 119lb
170cm / 5'6”
200 EUR
53kg / 116lb
170cm / 5'6”
200 EUR

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